
The Division of 研究生教育 offers specialized graduate programs in 学校 Leadership, 咨询, and 高等教育行政管理 and Leadership. These advanced programs lead to Master's degrees, 凭证, and/or certificates designed to prepare responsive education professionals who will go on to serve diverse student populations and enact transformative change in our surrounding schools, 大学, 和大学. 为专业人士量身定制, the Division of 研究生教育 programs offer flexible late afternoon and evening classes and may be completed full- or part-time.




Masters in 学校 Leadership / Preliminary Administrative Services Credential

Grounded in critical consciousness and a moral imperative, the 学校领导计划 (SLP) prepares generative leaders committed to leading for equity and justice in schools.  SLP offers the two CTC-required pathways for Administrative Services Credentials in California and a Masters in 学校 Leadership.  These pathways prepare educators for leadership positions in elementary and secondary schools and certain district-level positions.  The Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC) authorizes service in positions serving preschool, K-12和成人.  Candidates in the PASC program can also obtain their Masters in 学校 Leadership with two additional courses.  The Clear Administrative Services Credential is for those holding a PASC and employed in an administrative position.  Candidates are expected to enroll in a Clear Induction Administrative Services Credential program within one year of beginning service on their PASC.


学校 咨询 Option, 大学咨询 Option
Pupil Personnel Services Credential, Child Welfare and Attendance Authorization

The Master of Science in 咨询 program prepares students for careers in educational counseling settings and is designed to provide a broad conceptual knowledge base and the development of specialized counseling skills applicable to a diversity of student populations and counseling needs.  Students choose to concentrate in 学校 or College specializations and are able to concurrently pursue dual-specialization in a secondary area through the additional attainment of the PPS credential and 大学咨询 Certificate.

Through a framework of cultural humility and a commitment to justice in education, the program stresses the importance of self-awareness, 反射检查, and interpersonal and professional growth in order to provide a comprehensive preparation in K-16 educational counseling.


高等教育行政管理 and 领导(治愈) Certificate

高等教育行政管理 and 领导(治愈), 一个12单元的研究生证书课程, is designed for working professionals and individuals who are seeking advanced training and knowledge in the broad field of higher education administration and leadership. The program’s unique curriculum focuses on the four core aspects of today’s higher education administration: leadership, 法律问题, 金融, 和多样性.

HEAL addresses the needs of career-focused professionals within a continuously changing and complex higher education environment. Program participants will interact with higher education expert faculty and have an opportunity to further develop and expand their professional networks. The HEAL curriculum is based on current re搜索 and advanced teaching methodologies. 计划的目标是:

  • Provide participants with a strong foundation in theory and current practice of higher education administration and leadership;
  • Help participants develop their capacity to analyze and address complex issues and challenges facing higher education;
  • 让参与者做好充分准备, 协作, and more effective higher education administrators; and
  • Inspire participants to continuously promote success and innovation among diverse higher education constituencies by exhibiting critical thinking and analysis, 以及包容和合作.


The 社区学院教师证书 is a graduate-level program that provides a course of study for those seeking to prepare for a career in community college teaching. This program is also designed to serve working professionals in the field who are seeking career advancement. The program offers a well-rounded learning experience based on theory blended with a teaching practicum.